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When things go wrong

Things shouldn't and don't need to, but can go wrong. So here I will tell you how to identify the tell tale signs and how to fix them.

If applied carelessly you can develop eye ulcers which is why it is super important to have them removed if they are hurting you or are uncomfortable. PLEASE don't let your lash artist tell you to wait a few days....the things I have seen!   JUST DON'T.



1. If an eyelash just won't lie straight or is irritating you for no reason and wasn't bugging you yesterday




2. If you can feel something poking you everytime you blink chances are that either one (hopefully only one) extention is too close to your lash line or one of the extensions have come loose close to your lash line.




3. If your eyes are burning everytime you tear up or come in contact with steam or sweat





4. If your eyes continue to burn and/or become itchy you might have an allergy to the glue which could be a once off due to your immune system just being low and bombarded by many other things as well or it could be a permanent allergy




5. Some of your lashes seem to be glued together. This happens when the lashes have not been separated properly and/or the glue was not dry enough before the person who applied the lashes moved on to the next eyelash




6. You had your lashes done and removed a couple of days later. Why does it look like your lashes are no longer there?












Your natural eyelash is getting ready to fall out (which is a natural thing that happens) you can either leave it or just pull it out.  It will grow back



Simply ask a friend to help you identify which extension is the problem (you will need to look up while your helper looks into your eye at the lash line) then you can either pull the eyelash out or just pull the loose extension off of your natural lash. The relief will be instant


You can try to wash the lashes with a gel based face was. This is not common at all but if this happens it generally only happens for a short period while the lashes are new and is due to the glue. The burning should subside immediately


The lashes should be removed without question and the sooner the better.  You can try extensions again in a month or so with a glue for sensitive eyes



The best thing to do is to have them removed.  You do not want lashes stuck together as this will cause discomfort once they start trying to fall out.  Imagine some of the lashes are ready to fall out but some are not.  Now your eye starts to itch and perhaps feels pokey so you pull it out only to notice that there are 2-4 natural lashes all stuck together.  Lashes that weren't ready to come out that you have now pulled out and have to wait for weeks for it to grow back.


This is unfortunately your brain playing the optical illusion game on you.  I get it too and I just want to hide my head under my blankets until everything is back to before.  But believe me – unless you where pulling, tugging or rubbing them a lot before they were removed – it is just temporary.  Your lashes are still exactly the way they were before. You have just become used to seeing the thicker ones.

If your lashes were broken or snapped because of a terrible extension experience - you will unfortunately have to sit it out and wait for them to grow back. If you need to have them grow faster have a look at using some a lash growth serum. There are some really good ones on the market now a days.

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