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Eyelash Growth Products

Since I was a littel girl I can remember my mother and her friends lamenting over their "short" eyelashes. It would appear that "short or fine" lashes is not a new thing. As women we have been obsessed with beautiful, thick lashes.

This need has created quite a market of all kinds of serums promising LONG and THICK lashes.

While many of them are just snake oil making empty promises, there are some that actually work and work really well. Some even able to deliver results in under a week.

AWESOME!!! How could this ever be a sbad thing - in any universe?

Well, as with all Miracles there is a catch, and if you are really unlucky....a couple.

First off, most of these serums contain the hormone prostaglandin, which can have some mean side effects which include: Eye pigments turning brown permanently, swelling and sever itching around the eyes, even darkening of the eyelids. You can read more about this on the Swedish Medical Products Agency’s page.

While I can not find any documentation stating that eye sensitivity is permanent I can only tell you from my and other fellow extensionists own experiences that between us we have had several clients who have developed permenant sensitivities to mascara and extensions after using an Eyelash Growth Product.

Then there is the stuff you can get from your doctor on prescription (not all doctors will do this mind you). The problem here is that some people suffering from Glaucoma started noticing that their lashes because really long and lush once they started using their Glaucoma meds.

Is there a catch? Hell Yes!! In fact I have a past client who got her hands on this stuff and even procured some for her friends. She was super happy with the results and was totally committed to it until the day she found out that she actually had Glaucoma and could literally wake up blind one day and there is nothing any one can do. NOTE though, that while she did not get Glaucoma because she used this stuff but, it was the fact that it masked her actual Glaucoma it was not diagnosed and treated correctly. Freak experience yes. But not worth messing with stuff you need a prescription for unless you have a medical condition.

On the flip side. There are products that do not contain any harmful ingredients and whose only side effect is healthier, thicker lashes.

Check out the LASHFOOD Products on this site for a safe alternative to these products. Keep in mind though, because it has only natural Peptides that help nurish the hair folicle it takes around 6 weeks to see the results.

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