Removing Lash Extensions
You were so excited to have the extensions done! But then.....
Lash extensions can go wrong for many reasons and can vary from not liking the length or curl to being inducted into the "worst-experience-of-my-life" group or even developing an allergy to the glue (its rare, but unfortunately it does happen).
Firstly, if your lashes become uncomfortable or are hurting, you must have them removed. This can be done by going to any salon that does extensions. This tends to be the best option, but what if you are away from home? perhaps on holiday somewhere exotic or on a business trip abroad.
-------->>> So here is my DISCLAIMER - The listed suggestions below are NOT the correct way or a sure way of removing your lash extensions. It has taken me forever to decide to write this post but I get soooo many phone calls where having them professionally removed in the correct way is just not an option. So the suggestions below are PURELY SUGGESTIONS for those kinds of situations. I can not promise that any or even a combination of all of these are definitely going to work but they have worked for others at times and in a pinch could be worth trying.
1. Rubbing coconut/olive oil on your lashes and sleeping with it over night
2. Rubbing your moisturiser onto your lashes liberally
3. Get someone to check whether some of the lashes have come loose close to the lid,
you can pull these off of the natural lash
4. If its only 2 or 3 that are poking and you can isolate them (see them clearly and they
are by themselves) then you could just pull those ones out. Don't worry, your lashes
will grow back :)
5. Remember to agitate them while they have something oily on them
Ofcourse, the more liberal your lash tech was with her use of the adhesive (aka she used too much glue) the longer any removal process will take.
But if possibly at all, you should get them professionally removed.
If there is a spa or salon at the hotel you are staying at. It may be worth asking them whether they know of a salon that does extensions. Xx